Evaluation - Admission to Second Year

Admission to Second Year

To be admitted to the second year, the PhD students must present the state of their researches to the TIM faculty.

The presentations include the following elements:

- How the research contributes to the PhD program specific themes;
- The research objectives, and its preliminary/expected social and/or industrial impacts;
- The innovative contributions of the research, compared to literature;

- The methodology employed;
- The use of an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach, the possible collaboration between researchers of different disciplinary fields, and the possible exchanges or cooperation between the two Universities (Unina and Unibg) should be specified;

- The list of conferences/seminars attended;

- The list of papers already published / calendar of expected publications;

- The list of formative activities attended, in addition to those offered by the TIM program (summer schools, PhD courses offered by other programs, master courses, workshops, etc.).

After the presentations and related Q&As, the TIM faculty will decide on the admission to second year of each PhD student.